Is this really happening?

I ask myself this question every morning.  Is this really happening?  Am I really doing this?  And the answer is quite simple, Yes.  I'm so anxious to open our doors.  I'm eager to meet all the friendly new faces and have those conversation with with people you connect.  I'm eager to make new friends.  As I've mentioned in a previous blog, coffee really does bring people and community together.  I am excited for this next chapter in my life and can't wait to meet you!  Come and have us brew for you.

Getting close

It's been awhile since I've posted.  I've been so busy with planning and executing this lovely project.  We procured a contractor to build our "coffee bar on wheels".  The idea came to us when we were thinking of some wonderful and unique way to have our little coffee bar without really being bogged down like a brick and mortar.  Although, we do have plans for a brick and mortar next year.  The hustle and bustle of finding a location for our mobile coffee truck was a task in and of itself.  We were so glad we got that task out of the way!  As for a location for our mobile coffee bar.  We ventured to a beautiful area that we thought would love our coffee and the vibe that we'll bring to the city and the community of Dripping Springs, TX.

Perfecting the perfect pourover

Pour overs may be having their day in the sun, but many of my favorites have been around for decades. We selected Bee House brewer as our master brewing method for our mobile coffee bar.  Brewing your best cup of coffee requires a few pro tips from our partners. Beyond that, always use fresh coffee, good water, and adjust your grind and proportions to taste.

Dreams do come true

I only write from the heart.  I apologize for any grammatical errors or brevity.  For as long as I can remember,  I've always loved coffee, the taste, the aroma, and velvety smooth texture.  I knew I wanted to have my own, little coffee shop after seeing the joy it brings to people.  Coffee truly brings communities together.

I myself wake up, excited each and every day, knowing it will only get better.  There's something to be said about that fresh brew cup of coffee or latte.  It's like Christmas morning every morning for me.

To be able to offer the same to others, I feel is both enriching and rewarding.  I am so excited about my launch in May and I hope you will be too.

I can't wait to meet you!